The Do’s and Don’ts of Resume Writing

Have you ever wondered why you never got that call back after sending out dozens of resumes? Did you ever think that maybe it’s because your resume was a hot mess? Well, fear not my …

Resume Writing

Have you ever wondered why you never got that call back after sending out dozens of resumes? Did you ever think that maybe it’s because your resume was a hot mess? Well, fear not my friend! I’m here to share with you the do’s and don’ts of resume writing.

The Don’ts

Let’s start with the don’ts, because let’s face it, they’re more fun to talk about.

Don’t be generic

If your resume reads like a Mad Libs game, with interchangeable job titles and skills, then you’re doing it wrong. Employers want to see that you put some thought and effort into tailoring your resume to the specific job you’re applying for. Generic resumes won’t cut it.

Don’t be a liar

Yes, we all want to look good on paper, but lying on your resume is not the way to do it. You might get away with it for a while, but eventually, the truth will catch up with you. And then you’ll be in big trouble.

Don’t be sloppy

Spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and inconsistent formatting are all resume killers. If you can’t take the time to proofread your own resume, how can an employer trust you to do the job right?

Don’t be too long-winded

Your resume is not your life story. Keep it concise and to the point. Employers don’t have the time or patience to wade through pages and pages of irrelevant information.

Don’t be too fancy

Yes, you want your resume to look nice, but don’t go overboard with the fancy fonts and graphics. You don’t want your resume to look like a kindergarten art project.

The Do’s

Now let’s move on to the do’s. These are the things you should be doing to make your resume stand out from the crowd.

Do be specific

Tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for. Highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant to the job. Make it easy for the employer to see why you’re the perfect fit for the position.

Do be honest

Don’t lie on your resume, but don’t be shy about highlighting your achievements and accomplishments. Be proud of what you’ve done, and let it shine through on your resume.

Do be neat and tidy

Make sure your resume is well-organized and easy to read. Use bullet points and clear headings to break up the text. And don’t forget to proofread for spelling and grammar errors.

Do be concise

Keep your resume to one or two pages, and focus on the most important information. Employers don’t need to know every little detail about your life. They just want to know if you’re qualified for the job.

Do be professional

Remember, your resume is your first impression. Make sure it looks professional and polished. Use a clean, simple layout, and avoid anything that might be considered unprofessional.

So there you have it, the do’s and don’ts of resume writing. Follow these guidelines, and you’ll be well on your way to landing that dream job.